All Things Kate - archived


32 Months

Kate continues to grow and seem older. Her favorite books this month were the two newest Olivia books and she talks constantly about Hands are Not for Hitting even though we haven't read it in a month. Her imaginary play is really interesting, I love to see her take objects and come up with different ways to imagine with them. For example, today a cheesecake form was a crown, a hula hoop, and the window of a space ship in turn. She loves to draw, concentrating on faces. She's really excited about going to the park since the weather turned. She had fun with her friend Francis there last week.

Kate got jumped on by a mean neighborhood dog (a rottweiler that is kept locked up) a couple weeks ago and now she's really scared of all dogs, including little yippey ones like pomeranians. She's so adorably clueless about sweets. She ate her first oreo this week (a generic one at the Whole Foods tour) and told me, "Mom, these cookies with the 365 are DELICIOUS."


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