All Things Kate - archived


Kate's Playdate

A college aged friend, Sarah, asked if she could take Kate out on Friday. Kate adores her, so of course, I agreed. She took Kate to the bank where she got her first lollipop, to the neighborhood park's playground and to the duck pond at the really nice park downtown, then to school to wave at her dad and see all her adoring fans (the logic and rhetoric school students). She came home three hours later and was *SO* happy. Sarah reported that Kate freaked her out flinging herself down the elementary-schooler sized slide without warning and finding the geese attacking her hilarious. That kid has no fear. She cried when Sarah left and tried to get her to take her along. ("Bye, mom!" "No Sarah is going bye, you are staying here." "No! Bye, Mom!") It was her nap-time and it's been a while since we had a fun adventure morning like that, so I didn't take it personally ;o)


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