All Things Kate - archived


Actual Conversation Today

(while waiting on the porch for Mike at 6p)
Kristen *sighs*
Kate: "What's wrong, Mom?"
Kristen: "Nothing, sweetheart, I'm just tired. You all tire me out."
Kate: "I'm tired too, Mama." *rubs eyes* "My eyes hurt. Long day."


A Few Moments with Kate

All of these pictures were taken in a span of 5 minutes. Kate now has the toddler habit of smiling too big if I tell her to smile or looking very dumbfounded if I tell her to look normally.


Twenty-Seven Months

Kate is growing up so fast. She knows all sorts of really random things, to the extent that it scares me. A few weeks ago I put socks on her for the first time in months and she slid around our hardwood floors saying, "SLIDE! Skate, skate, skate!" I didn't show her that?! She just absorbs all information like a sponge. We're growing her hair out and she insists on wearing clips at all times, particularly liking the ones with bows. (I need to make a bunch!) She's very determined, but also a pretty sweet kid. She does helpful things like put all my groceries on the conveyor belt or pick up toys, without me even asking. And she's very compassionate, getting upset to hear babies or children crying, or anyone sick. I am always tickled at how often she thanks me for the little things I do for her. She went to Godly Play on Sunday and sat on a carpet square and everything. Who is this big girl and where is my baby?