All Things Kate - archived


Racecar carts

Kate LOVES the racecar carts at Kroger. She giggles when she sees them and excitedly choses a color. We've ridden in red, blue and yellow recently. She likes to share the love. Yes, they are a pain to push, but the joy that they bring to Kate is SO worth it.


Learning the Faith

We had been on the run and such for a few weeks and hadn't sung the doxology in a while (at least two weeks). Then, I was singing it as I pushed Kate in the stroller on a walk (while slingin' Lexi) and I heard her join in! It was so sweet! She sings that last syllable of each line, and "aaaah-men" in a sweet little voice. "floooow" "loooo" "ghoooost" "hoooost"



Kate's always shown a lot of affection to her maternal grandfather, but since he choose a very difficult name for himself, it took a while for her to be able to say it. It just warmed my heart to see him walk in the door and her to look up and shout "GP!" with glee.


Kate's Nose and Mommy's Blubbering.

Kate really enjoys pretending to sneeze and blow her nose. It cracks her up. She's getting SO big!

It was seventy degrees outside, so I dressed her on the springy side. Excuse the white t-straps before Easter. She IS younger than two, after all!


20 months old

Kate says the funniest little things now, like "Let's pray!" before every meal. She still rarely says one, but counts correctly "two, tree, four, fibe, six, sebn." She loves to count and will recount her crackers as she eats them. Speaking of meal time, the other day I said, "Do you want some crackers and os and fruit for lunch?" and she replied, "and cheese!" Sometimes she is such a big kid, and the next moment she is needing a full lap cuddle and rock. She likes to read to herself and will even talk about the pages as she flips through books. Of course, she likes to be read to as well. She plays with dry beans and playdough and asks to color when she's bored.