All Things Kate - archived



Kate's first tooth is popping through!


Kate slings her doll

Learning the art of babywearing young.

Comforting dolly.


Two parents, two jobs

Daddies are to make babies squeal with delight. Kate laughs and smiles the most when her daddy plays with her. They have all sorts of fun together.

Mommies are to meet babies needs. A cuddle and some milk. A big hug and wiped away tears. No one calms Kate better than her mom. Well, maybe her carseat in the backseat of a Volvo 740.


Longer hair

Kate's hair is getting longer. Long enough for me to experiment with a barette and long enough to warrant changing the picture on the left. My perpetual motion machine baby is getting so big!


Easily amused

Kate enjoys playing peek-a-boo with herself. Which is odd, because we don't play peek-a-boo all that often.


Doctor's Visit

On Friday, Kate went to the doctor. She's healthy, performed on cue (going from lying to standing), is 26.5 inches long and weighs 15 pounds, 15 ounces.


New Pictures

I added some pictures to the January album.


7 months old

Kate is now a true baby explorer, checking out every nook and cranny by crawling around and pulling herself up. She can open up drawers and shut doors. Kate still enjoys reading very much. Her favorite toys are whatever adult things she can grab. She is fixated with technology. She has been making various noises for several months, but now seems closer to talking. She says "bah-bah-bah" frequently. Kate used to lie still for diaper changes and such, but is now a top-ranked wiggle worm who can flip from back to stomach (and vice versa) with so much speed and ease that she might get recruited as a wrestling coach! She's still huggy and occasionally doles out a kiss. We're enjoying watching her grow.


Four Generations (at Thanksgiving)